Protect your buy-to-let investments with our top tips for landlords to prepare for winter
Our team shares some of the wisdom they’ve gained during their 25+ years in property management – helping you to make your rental properties winter-ready.
Our team of property experts have seen it all – and they’ve listed their top five tips for landlords to prepare for winter.
1. Create an information pack for your tenants with a list of the contact numbers you would want them to use in an emergency.
2. Take the time to show tenants how the heating controls and boiler work – there’s nothing worse than an expensive call-out, to find the issue was just caused by meddling fingers!
3. Make sure your tenants know the location of the stopcock, so they can turn off the water quickly if needed.
4. Remind tenants to leave on some low heat in the property, even if they’re away, to help prevent frozen water pipes – this is really important as folk head off over winter holidays.
5. Make sure that your landlord insurance is up to date, and that you’ve complied with all the obligations under your policy. Should you need to make a claim, you want to be confident that you’re all covered.
Did you miss our essential winter maintenance checklist?
In addition to our top tips for landlords to prepare for winter, take a look at our quick and easy essential winter maintenance checklist. If you haven’t already carried out a winter inspection on your rental properties, then now is the time – so you can spot any potential issues now and deal with them before they grow into expensive or time-consuming problems.
Have you heard about our property management services?
If you’d prefer to spend your time doing something more exciting than following our tips for landlords to prepare for winter, grappling with guttering or battling with boilers, then consider our full management service. This multi-award winning service covers every aspect of the letting cycle, from regular inspections, preventative maintenance, reactive maintenance, arranging safety certificates and cleaning – and we have a team of trusted, experienced tradesmen on call, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. So, you can have complete peace of mind that your property is in safe hands.
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